Biotechnology and Bioengineering News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Please, sign my petition

Please, sign my petition >>     

I have just started a petition to try and raise awareness of the idea that human cloning may be the key to world peace.

Please, support this concept.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Do you have a double?

Doubles, doppelganger​s, doppelgaumlautngers, unknown twins, twin strangers, look-alike humans and ultra-look-alike humans are people who look almost identical as defined by facial recognition algorithms. They also have similarities in their DNA which happen just by chance, but doubles are unrelated.

Monozygotic twins share almost identical facial traits and the same DNA sequence as each other, but different from their parents.

Clones are genetic copies with DNA identical to one parent.

You can try to find your doppelganger​ here:

Find your double

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Embryo splitting is the natural alternative to somatic cell nuclear transfer

We must not forget that there are two basic methods to clone human beings:
a/ somatic cell nuclear transfer which can produce unlimited copies of one individual, and  
b/ embryo splitting which can only produce up to four copies. 

In the latter technique, which is safer and more natural than the former, the sperm and egg from the parents combine to 
become a zygote which begins to divide into cells (blastomeres) by meitosis. About five days after fertilization the zygote 
becomes a blastocyst which consists of around eight blastomeres. 

At this stage a scientist can remove four blastomeres using an aspirating pipette, and place them into another empty embryo to make monozygotic identical twins. Cloning by this blastomere biopsy 
method, although successful in farm animals, appears to be unsuitable 
for primates.

A second method to produce clones by embryo splitting is to microsurgically divide them using a surgical microblade. This is known as embryo bisection. Blastocysts, consisting of the inner cell mass and trophectoderm, are cut into two, thus creating clones. However, this embryo bisection technique as used by vets is yet untested in humans. 

In conclusion, preliminary studies indicate that human embryo splitting results in more clones, however the quality of the
clones is not as good as the original blastocyst yet.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Uncovered interesting YouTube video Does Human Cloning Already Exist?

I came across a 2015 video which I thought I would share with you from a YouTube channel called Uncovered.

Does Human Cloning Already  Exist?

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

New link to a video about the Raelian movement

It was brought to my attention through Google's alert system. I have added it to the links on the right. FYI It's not a new video.

Link to video about the Raelian movement

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Family-friendly clinic

Where is the best place, and indeed, who is the best person to establish a family-friendly clinic (FFC) with a vision to help people interested in eternal life?
One might think Israel to be a likely place because of its obsession with immortality. However, Israel has placed a moratorium on human cloning in Israel for the time being and until it is lifted we should tactfully look elsewhere. Israel has deep associations with traditional Rome, so Italy might be a suitable place; and I know of one Italian, Doctor Severino Antinori, who may have already started cloning humans.
The first factor that is likely to affect the family -friendly clinic's location is the local law. Is human cloning legal in Italy? In a word - no. In 2005,
Italy voted for the United Nations' resolution against human cloning:

"Member States were called on to adopt all measures necessary to prohibit all forms of human cloning inasmuch as they are incompatible with human dignity and the protection of human life."

Consequently, it appears Italy is an unlikely place for the first family-friendly human cloning clinic.
I would like to digress and consider the UN's resolution for a while. The key to this resolution is the word incompatible. After reading it I asked myself how could making a copy of a living human be incompatible with human dignity when this is the very technique that has been used for thousands of years to maintain our presence on Earth? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Do we condemn natural clones, in other words, identical twins? No, they are accepted into our society as part of nature's way of doing things.
How can human cloning be incompatible with the protection of human life when this is the natural method that is used to preserve human life through the creation of children who are like their parents and who will survive after parents have passed away?
I feel that the United Nations' resolution was adopted to simply help give us time to clarify our thinking regarding the cloning of humans, and that doctors involved in cloning humans in the future would screen and reject patients and clients who have the wrong motives, without the need for national legislation. However, having stated that, I think a government officer should also approve each and every act of human cloning to ensure national regulations and guidelines are being enforced.

Monday, March 25, 2019

The stars should lead the way part two

See previous post on this topic Genetic specialist and head of the European Genome Archive, Arcadi Navarro said that Lionel Messi could be cloned using current techniques and they would get something very similar to him. However, he explained further that although his clone would have the same genetic potential, he may not behave in the same way as Lionel Messi unless he underwent the same experiences as the soccer star.

Lionel Messi's latest hat trick

European Genome Archive

Thursday, March 7, 2019

New banner available

I hope you like the new 468x60 banner I designed. If you would like to use it, please feel free to download it. Thank you.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Are you interested in cloning humans?

I am currently looking for a business partner who has the necessary skills to clone human clients. He/She must have suitable experience and qualifications to impress and convince would-be clients of the integrity of the services we would provide which will be similar to Clonaid's. At this stage I cannot be certain where we would provide the service, so interested partners should be prepared to be flexible with respect to the place of work. For more information you should email me at beneficent2000 at with "cloning" in the subject line.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Scientists generate precursory human oogonia from stem cells

One of the problems in cloning human beings is finding a source of human eggs. Scientists report that they have now achieved the production of precursory human eggs in vitro from human stem cells.

Science published a study by Chika Yamashiro, Kotaro Sasaki, Yukihiro Yabuta, Yoji Kojima, Tomonori Nakamura, Ikuhiro Okamoto, Shihori Yokobayashi, Yusuke Murase, Yukiko Ishikura, Kenjiro Shirane, Hiroyuki Sasaki, Takuya Yamamoto and Mitinori Saitou on 20th September, 2018 in which a mixture of human, pluripotent stem cells and embryonic, ovarian somatic cells from mice were cultured in vitro for about four months. The stem cells "differentiated progressively into oogonia-like cells" the Japanese team reports.

This study indicates that human oocytes might be produced from human somatic cells in the future, making the production of human clones quicker, cheaper and easier than previously.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Welcome Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua!

Human cloning supporters are delighted to read the news that a team of Chinese scientists: Zhen Liu, Yijun Cai, Yan Wang, Yanhong Nie, Chenchen Zhang, Yuting Xu, Xiaotong Zhang, Yong Lu, Zhanyang Wang, Muming Poo and Qiang Sun have cloned two, healthy macaque monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) using somatic cell nuclear transfer or SCNT. They are named Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua. The technique used was very similar to the method that cloned Dolly the sheep in 1996, however, there were some important differences. The two healthy monkeys were produced using foetal fibroblasts as the donor cells. Cell Journal

Monday, October 2, 2017

Necessity is the mother of invention

Do you remember Emmeline Pankhurst? She became (in)famous as the leader of the women's suffragette movement in England which made itself known to the British people in the years leading up to World War I. She campaigned enthusiastically, but usually illegally, for the women's right to vote in political elections in England.
The efforts of the suffragettes shaped the characteristics of British women irrevocably. Wikipedia

With the suffragettes in mind, then, it is interesting to consider the powerful position that somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has also given women who, not long ago, were not even allowed to vote! Thanks to the work of Dr Jose Cibelli and others, it is now possible for women to live forever without needing men at all. Men are now just unnecessary ancilliaries that may or may not be of use to women!

So, what can men do to rectify this seemingly unjust situation? Well, I think I may have come up with the answer. We need to invent a cloning machine that can be installed in local hospitals to serve the male community. When a man feels it is a good time to have a son to replace himself, he visits the clinic and a doctor selects an oocyte from a suitable female (possibly cryogenically preserved) to receive the man's somatic cell. The oocyte is then enucleated, and the somatic cell introduced into the oocyte by micromanipulators. The resulting embryos are given an electric shock to stimulate cell division, and the resulting foetus would be incubated in an artificial womb for nine months. I think doctors should allow would-be dads to use the micromanipulators and actually implant their somatic cells themselves (after careful training). The man would later be encouraged to visit the clinic and the developing foetus at regular intervals to allow bonding to develop. After nine months, the clone would be taken out of the incubator and be 'born'. The clinic would check that the infant clone was 'doing fine' and the man should then be allowed to take his new son home to be raised as he sees fit.

Friday, April 14, 2017

When is a clone not a clone?

I have been deliberating further about why we have the technology to clone humans, yet no one has been 'officially' cloned. Before I proceed further, perhaps I should remind readers about the first unofficial human clone, Dr Jose Cibelli. Since then, there are a few other unsubstantiated sources that claim that a human has been cloned. It is possible, I suppose, that people might wish to keep the fact that they have been cloned a secret; which might allow a more normal childhood for the clone - away from the prying eyes of the media, but I am not so sure that this sort of secret could be kept forever.

So, why then, have the superstars turned away from the promise of eternal life? One possibility, that was inspired by a picture of some dogs, occurred to me the other day while I was researching a new post. Now, I understood from the article that these dogs were clones. However, I could see differences between the dogs. I think this is the reason no one has cloned themselves. Scientists cannot yet guarantee that a clone would fulfill the dreams of laymen who actually want an EXACT mirror-image copy of themselves?

I have found an article called, "Does the perfect clone exist?" In it, Professor Peter M. H. Heegaard, Tina Rødgaard Højbøge and Anne Lykke explain that the differences between cloned animals such as pigs, can be the same as the differences between normal pigs. This means scientists have yet to perfect a cloning technique that guarantees identical clones.

Friday, December 30, 2016

The opposing view to cloning

Cheryl has posted a comment on The Stars Should Lead The Way I have made it a post in itself as I think it is important to give everybody a chance. She writes,
If you read Genesis chapter 6 you will find that when the sons of God (the fallen angels) came down to the daughters of men they created giants. These were the enemies of God that needed to be removed from the earth. This is why God, in the old testament, would wipe out men, women, and children due to genetic manipulation. There is a lot of information on the web regarding this, so it is something you need to spend hours in studying and I believe that you will change your mind about this. There is God, his name is Jesus Christ. He has a moral code. He says don't eat off of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God created souls for his purpose for a certain job in time and space. When a body dies and the soul leaves its body, it cannot be called back except by necromancy, which is forbidden by the laws of God. Therefore, if you clone a body, you are requesting a demon or some fallen entity to inhabit it. That is evil. You don't know enough about the spiritual world or you would have a different opinion about these things. There is a proverb, "Fools go where angels fear to tread." There is not a body alone, but a body with a soul. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved!
Thank you Cheryl, your input is much appreciated. I thought I would deal with the biggest problem I have with your ideas.
Therefore, if you clone a body, you are requesting a demon or some fallen entity to inhabit it.
I think only a satanist would want to request a demon to inhabit anything, especially a new born baby. My image of cloning involves a caring, valued parent(s) who would like to preserve his/her own life or the life of a partner, possibly for ever. I trust that the love the mother would give to the infant clone would ward off any evil spirits, and continued care would enable the clone to easily join in with society, and in due course he/she would be able to pray to God for continued guidance and protection from evil himself or herself.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Chinese confident about the future of cloning

I have found a TrueViralNews report dated 20th November, 2016 in my alerts, about the Chinese having the ability to clone mammals, including Primates and humans. The company making the claim is the Boyalife Group which aims to be cloning cows from a massive new complex soon, and in cooperation with other groups, hopes to be cloning Primates and maybe even humans if public opinion is favourable.

Primate embryos were successfully produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in 2007. In addition, Tetra is the name of a monkey, born in 1999, by a cloning technique known as embryo splitting (not SCNT). is offering a human cloning service using SCNT already.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The stars should lead the way

I have been thinking, as of late, about how to explain why we, as people, have yet to produce the first proper human clone. I have gone to some length on this blog, to enlighten the lay reader, and to support the research of the teams of doctors who are now in a position to produce the first proper human clone - as opposed to the experimental clone produced by Doctor Jose Cibelli. Dolly's daughters are remarkably well - proving that SCNT works, and the offspring of clones are just about as well as most normally-conceived humans.

I understand from Clonaid that $200,000 is a ballpark figure for cloning a human being. This may seem a lot to many; but what have we been doing for the last 50 years? We have been cheering pop stars and football players until we are hoarse, and they are rich! Don't those same stars whose statuses were created by people who had, rightly, become sick of killing and maiming in two world wars, and who wanted, at all costs, to avoid blowing the planet apart in World War III; owe it to their loyal fans to reproduce themselves exactly, so future generations can enjoy the exact same musical and ball skills as we did?

If they have had normal children already, I wish them all well, but what about those that have yet to produce children, or have had children that don't look a bit like their parents? Should it not be the duty of those stars to lead the way for the rest of us lesser mortals, and drive the price of cloning down to make it more affordable? After all, how much pension does your granny have left?

On reflection, it may be that we need to do further research with Primates, and leave Dolly and her family to enjoy themselves, before mankind is satisfied that it is wise to take the next giant leap in its progress.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Report of a new law in the United Arab Emirates

The Gulf News of September 7th, 2016, reports that a new law in the United Arab Emirates bans human cloning, and any research designed to copy humans or the cells of humans.

Gulf News

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Dolly's daughters - Debbie, Denise, Dianna and Daisy

Many people are concerned about the robustness of cloned animals. Well, in this new article published by Nature, which studied the health of 13 sheep cloned by SCNT, there are no serious reported health problems. This is surely the best news cloning enthusiasts could receive!
The flock of animals aged 7-9 years old, "including four derived from the cell line that gave rise to Dolly", are being studied by the coauthors; largely thanks to financial assistance from the University of Nottingham, England.
There were no sheep found in the study that needed treatment for diseases. Two sheep had moderate to severe osteophytosis, "as would be expected in sheep of that age", but showed no sign of pain, and could walk.

Title: Healthy ageing of cloned sheep
Authors: K. D. Sinclair, S. A. Corr, C. G. Gutierrez, P. A. Fisher, J.-H. Lee, A. J. Rathbone
Publication: Nature Communications
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
Date: Jul 26, 2016

Friday, November 20, 2015

And now...daughter of Injaz, the cloned camel

To Injaz, a female dromedary camel, one female calf (as yet unnamed), weight 38 kilograms, born on November 2nd, 2015. After recent reports about the drawbacks and disadvantages of cloning, especially the unnecessary health risks; comes a happier story of the first cloned camel to produce a normally conceived calf. Injaz, the mother, was cloned in 2009 by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). She was created from an animal slaughtered for meat. The most difficult part of the SCNT was to electrically fuse the parts of the newly created egg cell, and provide a mixture of chemicals to act as a 'catalyst' to initiate the normal cellular reproduction processes. This was duly achieved and the viable egg cell was then introduced into Injaz. The skilled procedures were performed at the Reproductive Biotechnology Centre in Nad Al Sheba, Dubai by a team led by Dr Nisar Wani, scientific director of the centre. The work was performed under the patronage of Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai. Thanks to the The National

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Friday, July 31, 2015

The engineering behind reproductive cloning

Reproductive cloning doesn't require the use of egg cells, just normal somatic skin cells will suffice. This is somewhat amazing in itself; but what is also amazing, and may be taken for granted by many, is the technology behind the equipment used to perform the delicate transfer of cells to oocytes. It is common to show the transfer on screens, where the glass equipment used can clearly be seen. Reference ASME
One must not forget the human oocyte is only about 100 micrometres in diameter, and requires extremely delicate positioning by micromanipulators. These must be precision engineered to achieve reliability in operation.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Is cloning legal in Taiwan?

According to, Taiwan is not part of the United Nations, and therefore may not have to recognize the United Nations 2005 recommendation, "to adopt all measures necessary to prohibit all forms of human cloning". Taiwan is considered by many to be under the control of China, and therefore is not really a country in its own right. However, concludes that, "despite the controversy surrounding the island of Taiwan, its status should be considered as a de facto independent country of the world." Interestingly, the USA voted for the declaration, that is they voted against cloning, but only 15 of the 50 states have outlawed the practice back home. The United Kingdom, China and Thailand voted against the declaration. In conclusion, Taiwan then, may be a suitable place to clone humans.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Is cloning legal in the United States?

The USA voted for the adoption of the United Nations Declaration which advises members to prohibit human cloning.

However, back home in the 50 United States of America, only 15 states have made cloning illegal. Source So, Americans are divided on this issue, and therefore, one can imagine America being a country where people could be cloned routinely, if and when the methods are developed and standardized.

Monday, June 29, 2015 can help you if you want an 'identical twin'

If you’ve just lost, or are about to lose, a beloved family member, and would like to see an 'identical twin' of that person begin a new life, then maybe can help you.
Identical twins are 'monozygotic', that is, they develop from a single, fertilized egg that later split. Of course, a clone of your loved one shouldn't strictly be called a twin, because twins are the result of one pregnancy, whereas a clone would involve a second pregnancy. Source